viernes, 3 de abril de 2009

Hackers & Painters. Big Ideas from the Computer Age.

Hackers & Painters is a collection of essays written by Paul Graham about hacking and how this activity may relate to art (specifically painting). The individual pieces cover a wide range of issues: why nerds are so unpopular at school, the importance of startups, programming languages, heretical thinking, the process of wealth creation, etc. The title essay provides an interesting look at hacking and how it may relate to artistic activities in general, and painting in particular. A very suggestive book, judging by the reviews and what I could gather after quickly browsing through its pages.

For more information, check out the author's own website or O'Reilly's page for the book.

Technical description:
Title: Hackers & Painters. Big Ideas from the Computer Age.
Author: Paul Graham.
Publisher: O'Reilly
Edition: First hardcover edition, Sebastopol, California (USA), May 2004 (2004).
Pages: 258, including index.
ISBN: 978-0-596-00662-4

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