miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010


First volume of Rudy Rucker's Ware Tetralogy, and considered one of the original examples of cyberpunk literature, Software narrates the story of Cobb Anderson, a retired computer scientist who figured out a way to give robots artificial intelligence akin to that of a human and free will, thus creating the race of the boppers. By the year 2020, these boppers have created a highly complex and developed society on the Moon and send a duplicate of Anderson to his retirement home in Florida to offer him the gift of immortality. But the "immortality" given to Anderson turns out to be having his mind transferred into software via a brain-destroying tecnique.

Technical description:
Title: Software.
Author: Rudy Rucker.
Publisher: Avon Eos.
Edition: first Avon printed edition, New York (USA), October 1987 (1982).
Pages: 167 pages.
ISBN: 0-380-70177-4

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