martes, 29 de julio de 2008

The Bug.

Author of Close to the Machine, yet another cult book among geeks, Ellen Ullman is a computer programmer turned novelist. In The Bug, she describes the fate of a programmer, Ethan Levin, who struggles to fix an UI bug that only shows up sporadically and without any sort of regularity in its behavior. Deeply insecure about his skills because he doesn't have a computer science degree, Levin is in charge of doing the debugging in the midst of a personal crisis that drives his neglected girlfriend to the arms of a hippie. Ullman does a pretty decent job of portraying the overall programmer mindset to the lay reader, as well as the environment of extreme competition and even collective madness they often have to work in.

Technical description:
Title: The Bug.
Author: Ellen Ullman.
Publisher: Nan A. Talese/Doubleday.
Edition: New York (USA), first edition, 2003.
Pages: 356 pages, including postscripts.
ISBN: 0-385-50860-3

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