lunes, 14 de julio de 2008

Superman: Red Son.

Never liked Superman much because the character seemed too flat to you? We are on the same boat. I much preferred other superheroes, like Spiderman or The Hulk, who were far more human, clear examples of the human frailty. Well, along comes Red Son, which comes to add an intriguing twist to the old story: what if Superman had landed on Earth a few hours later, therefore making it to a collective farm in the Soviet Union instead of the US? This graphic novel narrates the story of a "red" Superman who takes over the USSR after Stalin's death, bringing about the Socialist dream and embarrassing the US with its stubborn bet on the old capitalistic ways. However, what makes this other Superman fascinating is the fact that, with all his superpowers and all, well-intentioned as he is, he is still the backbone of a totalitarian regime that is morally corrupt at its core. In other words, he is imperfect, like everybody else.

Technical description:
Title: Superman: Red Son.
Author: Mark Millar.
Publisher: DC Comics.
Edition: February 2004.
Pages: 160 pages.
ISBN: 978-1401201913

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