domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008

The Radical Center: The Future of American Politics.

Ted Halstead and Michael Lind propose to take the US in a completely new direction, away from the "rigid two-party cartel" dominated by Republicans and Democrats. While the vast majority of Americans label themselves as independents, both parties appear to be leading in the opposite direction: quickly moving towards the extremes in an attempt to clearly establish their identity in opposition to the other party. But in order to respond to the challenges of a new world characterized by the increasing influence of technology, globalization and all the changes they are bringing about, Halstead and Lind think that the US needs to adopt a new set of ideas, a pragmatic mishmash that blends already existing proposals from here and there depending on their merit, and not any ideological prejudice.

Technical description:
Title: The Radical Center: The Future of American Politics.
Author: Ted Halstead and Michael Lind.
Publisher: Doubleday/Random House
Edition: first edition, New York (USA), 2001.
Pages: 264 pages, including index.
ISBN: 0-385-50045-9

Find it on Amazon (US, UK).

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